
ZaloPay is a popular digital payment platform integrated with the Zalo messaging app. It offers a convenient way for customers to make payments by scanning QR codes or using the ZaloPay mobile app. ZaloPay is widely used in Vietnam and provides a seamless payment experience.

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ZaloPay is a popular digital payment platform integrated with the Zalo messaging app. It offers a convenient way for customers to make payments by scanning QR codes or using the ZaloPay mobile app. ZaloPay is widely used in Vietnam and provides a seamless payment experience.



Integrating ZaloPay with WooCommerce:

  1. Contact ZaloPay: Customers need to get in touch with ZaloPay’s support team to receive guidance and configure the direct integration of ZaloPay within their ZaloPay application.
  2. Provide Key Certificates: After obtaining approval, customers should provide the necessary key certificates from VNPay to activate the payment gateway within their application.

Convenient Payments

Easy and convenient for customers to pay

Customers can make payments by scanning QR codes or using the ZaloPay app, making their payment experience easy and convenient.

Convenient Payments

Direct In-App Integration

With direct in-app integration, customers can make payments without switching to external websites